Акции техцентра:

Нормы заправки автокондиционеров Форд, таблица заправочных емкостей хладагента и масла

Нормы заправки автокондиционеров Форд

модель год фреон масло
B-Max 1,0 EcoBoost/1,6TDCi 2012- R134a 600 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 120
B-Max 1,5TDCi 2012- R134a 550 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 120
B-Max 1,4i/1,6Ti 2012- R134a 650 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 120
C-Max condenser pipe 1,2 mm (f) 2007- R134a 600 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 200
C-Max condenser pipe 3 mm (f) 2007- R134a 740 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 200
C-Max II/Grand C-Max 1,6TDCi 12.2010- R134a 460 PAG OIL or PAG ISO 46 110
C-Max II/Grand C-Max 1,6SCTi/2,0TDCi/1,6Ti-VCT 12.2010- R134a 530 PAG OIL or PAG ISO 46 150
Cougar 1998-03 R134a 725-755 YN-12 B OIL or PAG ISO 46 200
Escort 1994-00 R134a 725-755 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 160
Explorer (U2) 4,0iV6 03.95-1998 R134a 600 PAG OIL n.a.
Explorer (U2) 4,0iV6 1998-2002 R134a 650 PAG OIL or PAG ISO 46 265
Fiesta 1994-96 R134a 725-755 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 100
Fiesta 1995-99 R134a 730-750 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 200
Fiesta 1999-02 R134a 725-755 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 200
Fiesta (JH) condenser pipe 3mm(f) 2002-08 R134a 635-665 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 210
Fiesta (JH) condenser pipe 1,2 mm (f) 2004-08 R134a 460-480 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 200
Fiesta (JH) 1,6D TDCi condenser pipe 3 mm (f) 2004-08 R134a 510-530 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 200
Fiesta (JH) 1,6D TDCi condenser pipe 1,2 mm (f) 2004-08 R134a 460-480 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 200
Fiesta VI 1,25i/ 1,4i/ 1,6Ti 2008- R134a 390 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 170
Fiesta VI 1,4TDCi 2008- R134a 390 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 120
Fiesta VI 1,6TDCi 2008- R134a 475 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 120
Focus 1998-04 R134a 725-755 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 200
Focus II condenser pipe 3mm(f) 2004-11 R134a 740 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 200
Focus II condenser pipe 1,2 mm (f) 2004-11 R134a 600 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 200
Focus III 1,6Ti-VCT/1,6SCTi/2,0TDCi 2011- R134a 530 PAG OIL or PAG ISO 46 150
Focus III 1,6TDCi 2011- R134a 460 PAG OIL or PAG ISO 46 110
Focus C-Max condenser pipe 3 mm(f) 2003-07 R134a 730-750 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 200
Focus C-Max condenser pipe 1,2 mm(f) 2003-07 R134a 590-610 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 200
Fusion (JU) condenser pipe 3mm(f) 2002-10 R134a 635-665 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 210
Fusion (JU) condenser pipe 1,2 mm (f) 2002-10 R134a 460-480 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 210
Galaxy 2,0/2,3 1995-00 R134a 950-1000 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 205
with air conditioning at the rear 1995-00 R134a 1350-1400 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 240
Galaxy 2,8/1,9 TDI 1995-00 R134a 950-1000 N052 154 VXOO OIL or PAG ISO 46 135
with air conditioning at the rear 1995-00 R134a 1350-1400 N052 154 VXOO OIL or PAG ISO 46 240
Galaxy Sanden compressor 06.00-06 R134a 700-750 PAG OIL or PAG ISO 46 135
Sanden compressor with air condition at the rear 06.00-06 R134a 1050-1100 PAG OIL or PAG ISO 46 240
Galaxy Visteon compressor 06.00-06 R134a 700-750 PAG OIL or PAG ISO 46 200
Visteon compressor with air condition at the rear 06.00-06 R134a 1050-1100 PAG OIL or PAG ISO 46 240
Galaxy 05.2006- R134a 585-615 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 200
with air conditioning at the rear 05.2006- R134a 835-865 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 250
Ka/StreetKa 1996-05 R134a 635-665 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 200
Ka (RB) 1,3i 2005-09 R134a 650 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 200
Ka 2009- R134a 500 ND8 OIL or PAG ISO 46 95
Kuga 2008- R134a 600 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 200
Maverick 1993-98 R134a 740-760 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 200
Maverick 2001-06 R134a 850 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 265
Mondeo I 1993-96 R134a 725-755 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 200
Mondeo II 1996-00 R134a 725-755 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 200
Mondeo III 11.00-12.01 R134a 800-840 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 200
Mondeo with condenser pipe 3 mm(f)(g) 12.01.2007 R134a 800-840 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 200
with condenser pipe 1,2 mm(f)(g) 12.01.2007 R134a 685-715 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 200
Mondeo 03.2007- R134a 520 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 200
Probe 1994-98 R134a 1000-1100 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 200
Puma 1997-03 R134a 730-750 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 200
Ranger 1999-03 R134a 550 PAG FD46XG OIL or PAG ISO 46 180
Ranger 2,5TDCi/ 3,0TDCi 11.11.2006 R134a 475 FD46XG OIL or PAG ISO 46 180
Ranger III 11.2011- R134a 650 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 150
S-Max 2006-13 R134a 585-615 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 200
with air conditioning at the rear 2006-13 R134a 835-865 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 250
Granada/Scorpio 1994-12.94 R134a n.a. WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 160
Scorpio 1995-98 R134a 980-1020 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 160
Tourneo Connect 1,8i/1,8D TDCi 2002-07 R134a 730-750 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 200
Transit 1994-12.99 R134a 885-915 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 200
with air conditioning at the rear 1994-08.97 R134a 1375-1425 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 250
with air conditioning at the rear 09.97-12.99 R134a 1175-1225 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 250
Transit 2,0Di/2,4Di 01.00-05 R134a 720-760 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 200
with air conditioning at the rear 01.00-05 R134a 1530-1590 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 250
Transit 2,3i/2,0TDCi 2001-05 R134a 970-1010 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 280
Transit/Tourneo 07.2006- R134a 730-770 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 280
with air conditioning at the rear 07.2006- R134a 1370-1430 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 n.a.
Transit Custom Van 12.2012- R134a 740 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 280
Transit Custom van with additional air conditioning 12.2012- R134a 1150 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 n.a.
Transit Custom Bus 12.2012- R1234yf 770 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 280
Transit Custom Bus with additional air conditioning 12.2012- R1234yf 1080 WSH-M1C231-B OIL or PAG ISO 46 n.a.

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