P1653 проверка ошибок после отключения IG — MAL

Описание ошибки P1653
Monitoring in afterrun is initiated by the ignition signal from the battery voltage to 0V. Because each test directly leads to engine shut off, only one shut off per driving cycle is carried out. A new driving cycle starts after each hardware re-set, but not after terminated after ignition off operation. Using an afterrun counter the shut off path to be used in the current driving cycle is selected.
This counter is incremented and stored after each finished test which leads to engine shut off. If an error detected as defective during an afterun test, the afterrun counter remains unchanged. Thus, the afterrun test which led to an error is repeated in each driving cycle until the error is healed again or until then no new test is carried out. During every afterrun test, a MAFS offset test, a fuel pressure sensor test, and a main relay are carried out independently.
If the signal is below threshold value, the ECM judges this as a fault and DTC is set.

Возможная причина ошибки P1653
Faulty injector
Faulty ECM

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