P1646 Capacitor Voltage — Too High

Описание ошибки P1646
Special injectors with hydraulic servo-system and electrical triggering (solenoid valve) are used with common rail system in order to archieve efficient start of injection and precise fuel injection quantity. The nozzle has opened by the electrical pulse, the energizing current is reduced to a lower holding value. The Injection terminates when the solenoid valve is no longer triggered and closes as result. The switching on the ECM, the current profile of the injector with booster, clear, and recharge phases is the following step. Capacitor in ECM is function to charge for activating the injectors
Capacitor discharge -> Pull up current -> Charge (7A) -> Hold in current (12±1A) -> Charge (, Hold in control current)
If the signal is above threshold value, the ECM judges this as a fault and DTC is set.

Возможная причина ошибки P1646
Faulty ECM

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