B1412 SIS (Side Impact Sensor) Rear-Driver Communication error

Описание ошибки B1412
Pressure-Side Impact Sensor and Rear Side Impact Sensor are installed in the left and the right side of front door and in the lower of C-pillar respectively.
The Pressure-Side Impact Sensor senses an impact based on an acceleration at crashing. Unlike the conventional acceleration sensor, the Pressure Sensor senses an air pressure by a distorted door at crashing and measures an impact.
The SCM detects the impact signals of the Pressure-Side Impact Sensor and Rear Side Impact Sensor and compares with signals of the safe sensor inside. If the signals of all sensors are judged as a collision, the side-airbag and the curtain-airbag would be unfolded. The SRSCM sets DTC B1412 if there is any error in communication between RDSIS and SRSCM.

Возможная причина ошибки B1412
Faulty RDSIS circuit.
Faulty RDSIS.
Faulty SRSCM.

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