P1189 Fuel Pressure Monitoring — Governor Deviation at Engine speed Too high

Описание ошибки P1189
Fuel pressure monitoring is used to detect the troubles and the fuel leakage in high pressure system.
The ECM determines the rail pressure value as a function of the engine’s operating conditions and controls the fuel pressure regulator to ensure that the rail pressure reaches the required value. Fuel pressure in the fuel line including the pumps and injector are continuously monitored during engine runing.
If the rail pressure is excessive, the fuel pressure regulator opens and a portion of the fuel is returned from the rail to the fuel tank via a collector line. If the rail pressure is too low, the fuel pressure regulator closes the fuel pressure regulator is installed in the tail end of high pressure accumulator.
In case of the insufficient fuel supply in the fuel line, the symptoms such as a shut down and a starting impossible will occur. If the fuel pressure monitoring in engine fuel pressure line generates threshold value, the ECM judges this as a fault and DTC is set.

Возможная причина ошибки P1189
Faulty Fuel filter
Faulty Electric fuel pump
Faulty Injector
Faulty High pressure pump
Faulty FPR
Faulty ECM

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